Rhetorical Meaning

Human words can be more inconsistent in their meaning the more they, the human, consider their language advanced. When a ‘primitive’ person reads a translation of an ‘advanced’ one, he doesn’t ‘get it’ (understand 😐) when he finishes reading the sentence the first time. .

You Shall Not Save!!!

On one of the applications I was maintaining, the network has disconnected while unnoticed. As I attempted to save data, the program went crazy sending error followed by another in a manner that i have no choice but confirming  the error prompt messages. I felt like the scene of Belrog demon stopped by Gandalf shouting “You shall not Save!”

The Non-Green Green

If you were entering the premises of a corporate in a skyscraper, you might find some propaganda brochures and ads about sustainability in using (depleting) nature and some catchy ‘green’ jargons.

They might also scatter some green fresh plants as a green touch (don’t you just love that green touch…).

And they call it ‘going green’.

Consistency says:
Having green plants in a skyscraper, in middle of metropolitan traffic infected is not Green; count every piece of energy (mostly fossil fuel) consumed to place that plant there and then water, light, feed its soil artificially.

Not having plants there is really ‘going green’.

Yesterday I saw a tree planted around the twentieth floor in a new build high building. Nice ‘green touch’.

Realistic Wishes

Early this morning, I woke up without a drop of enthusiasm; like a bounty hunter doing laundry for living. I am used to these starts. But when the situation exceeds the threshold of seriousness, wishes interrupt mental sequence, like a plan B when it’s too late. even though it’s a wish, I find myself cautious in wishing. I can’t simply wish this ends, for dropping dead is one of the answers, or getting sick, or even becoming jobless.  Although I might be busy to revise my long term plans, it seems wishes are kind of skimming alternatives, done in moments of mental idleness.

Software Testing: Everyone vs. AnyOne

While I was verifying a new deployment, I had to test a feature that required a lengthy setup. To avoid the hassle of the setup, Iwent to choose the non restricted mode; everyone can create documents for this profile. That was supposed to stop the messag’ you aren’t allowed to create … for this file.
Surprisingly, the system kept blocking me from proceeding.

After a little in depth checking, it turned out that I wasn’t between ‘everyone’ mentioned in definitions. And there weren’t an option for ‘anyone’ outside that list.

Price of Goodness

Being armed with goodness seems expensive on personal level. In the times of globalization and decay of cultural corners, many selfish traits are spreading above some virtues that are now kind of classic, archaic, and or in educational ERs.

One claim by capitalism is kind of soothing to the unfortunate by stating that the whole community is benefiting eventually after win and loss of every one.

OK, I want to adopt a similar approach with goodness; being good person will benefit the whole community eventually.

I know that to prove this it requires some logical inductions and statistics. But I will only give an example to motivate about this idea:

A high speed road, in a country where selfishness is a mainstream, an a pit in the asphalt. A whole day passes while selfish people driving over it and damaging parts of their car, costing between 50$ to life. Next day a goodness passes over it and realize the damage that accumulates every minute. He or she stops aside and manages some sand and pebbles to reduce the depth of the pit. The cost of goodness is about 15 to 30 minutes. And profit for community per day is in $$$s and lives.

Effects of Nuclear Radiation – The other Side

To talk about a nuclear disaster effects (like Fukushima Daiichi) , there is uncountable problems, especially when it is INES Level 7. Amid this disaster, we might take a break and look for other effects. The Japanese people has been always awesome and surprising in creativity and achievements. If some topic catches their attention, they exploit it competitively. So, what will be the reaction to the nuclear disaster? anti-nuclear robots and vehicles, radio-active sensors in smart phones, lots of anime and cartoon of nuclear disaster themes…. Their culture got a new spice.